America is built on a number of distinct fault lines, one, of course, was slavery and freedom, that was a fault line that had to be addressed. 美国建国之时就有若干明显的内在分歧,奴隶制与自由制就是其中之一,这一分歧亟需解决。
Absolute ownership, fault liability, contract freedom was three principal of modem private law. Freedom of contract is the core and express of the principle of private law. 所有权绝对、过错责任和契约自由为近代私法的三大原则,而契约自由又是私法自治的核心。
Third, the theory of general purpose fault tolerant manipulator design and task specified fault tolerant manipulator design is introduced. Optimize design methods of fault tolerant manipulator are found. A kind of fault tolerant manipulator possessing least degrees of freedom is work out. 论证了运动学通用故障容错机械臂、特定任务对象故障容错机械臂设计的理论依据,研究得到了故障容错机械臂的优化设计方法,设计出了最小自由度数特定任务故障容错机械臂。
The author thinks that fault should well coordinate the interests of personal freedom and social security as well as achieve the value of justice in the Torts law. 认为过错在实现侵权法的正义价值的同时,更要协调好个人自由和社会安全之间的利益;
The contracting fault responsibility theory's value lies in confining the freedom of contract principle to the transaction litigant benefit balance, thus expands the contractual obligation suitable scope, and brings the social benefit weight into the legal value judgment. 缔约过失理论的价值在于,将契约自由的原则受制于交易当事人利益的平衡,从而扩大了契约责任适用的范围,并将社会利益的衡量纳入契约的法律价值判断之中。
In addition, it has also good fault freedom and robustness. Making use of FNN, we may get very good effect of the approximation and modeling of the random nonlinear plants and good effect of the control of the uncertain models. FNN对于任意非线性对象的逼近和建模以及对不确定模型的控制均有很好的效果,有很强的容错性和鲁棒性。
Compared with observer-based fault detection filter without post-filter, this method can give designer more freedom in design. 相比仅基于输出观测器而无后滤波器的故障检测滤波器,该方法具有更大的设计自由度。
If only emphasize on the subjective fault, but not emphasize on the illegal behavior, we actually expand the scope of tort liability even it looks to protect the freedom of action. 如果仅强调主观过错的可归责性,不强调行为违法的可归责性,表面上看是对行为自由的保护,实质上却扩大了侵权责任的适用范围。